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Life is full of surprises. As an Aura Expert, I support you with regaining your inner power so your outer world becomes less of an ordeal and more of an adventure in which you have more power over the situation so your life more enjoyable.


The time of pain and suffering has come to end for humanity on planet Earth. The SHIFT has happened. We have moved from fear based mind control, to living in-love through the heart.


I can show you how clean out the negative energy in your Aura, heal your Aura Trauma that being blocking you from reaching your full potential and generate your Aura Love Bubble that's going to protect and empower you.   Then you can start shining and attracting in more of what you are and connecting with similar people who want the same. 


All of the energy work that I do is for the greater good of humanity and therefore I ask that payments are given as a donation to the Ark Cancer charity. Thank you .

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My Services

As the Aura Expert, I can offer a number of different Services. I currently work by donation, with payments going directly to Ark Cancer charity.    

Customer Focus:
Aura Painting experience (Art Therapy)

Canvas Aura Painting

Free webinar introduction on Aura Awareness 

Podcast shows on Aura Awareness


Press Focus:
Aura Awareness Interview 

Profile interview - Artist 

Giving Advice and Tips about your Aura

Giving Commentary on other news stories, with regard to Aura Awareness



I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.

Whatsapp: 0044 (0)7543 752272

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