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Where We Go One, We Go All

I hear this phrase a lot lately, but kept on wondering, how does this apply to my life?

As more and more people start to awaken, so there is a shift in all of us. This is because we are beings of consciousness and we all connect through our consciousness.

You discover this when you have a lot of love for someone, you can feel connected to them even if they are living on the other side of the planet. You can finish there sentences, you know what someone is about to say before they say it, you feel a deep connection with them that you can't explain in your rational mind, almost as if you have known them from a different lifetime.

So coming back to the phrase, "Where We Go One, We Go All" ... what does this mean and how do we apply it to our lives?

OK, the most important thing to realise is that whatever you do, effects the entire Universe, so make your actions matter!

Remember the #MeToo campaign. Why was this so effect? Because we are all connected through our consciousness. We are One.

The problem is that we have been ruled by a small amount of powerful people who know this and for ages have been using the ´Divide and Conquer´ game plan, to keep us feeling separated and fighting against each other, nowadays it is Black vs White or Vaccinated vs Unvaccinated. As soon as we wake up and release that we all love each other really, and we understand that we are all connected through our consciousness, then it is game over for the minority of people who are running this world, and running it in a terrible way. This world desperately needs new management. It makes me laugh when I see that they Elites are building space rockets now to fly to the Moon or Mars, that shows just how terrified they are, because when we all wake up, they won't want to be on this planet, that's for certain!

At the moment I am going through an avalanche of battles. But I know that I can handle it as I have been through enough training in the last 50 years, now I am ready!

So what I realised lately is that when I tapped into my Aura, I discovered that the deep feeling I have in all of these battles, is INJUSTICE. I always do everything from a heart-based place, being my authentic self and just expecting everything to be working fine. But when I come across obstacles which have nothing to do with me, but more to do with a poor logistical system, bad customer service or simply businesses which are corrupt or scams, then I will fight back and I will win my battles, as I have the power of Universe behind me. I am sure that someone is designing a spandex super hero outfit for me somewhere in the world, I deserve it!

So coming back to that phrase, "Where We Go One, We Go All", are you starting to understand it?

I know that one thing is for certain. I am not the only person in this world feeling injustice. As the illusion of reality starts to unravel and we all start to learn the truth of how much we have been lied too since the moment we were born, so the feeling of injustice is going to be felt in every single human being on planet earth. Yes, soon 8 billion people will be feeling this and remember we are all connected through our consciousness.

So when I am fighting my battles in my life, you are fighting yours in your own life. We have to confront things in our daily lives which do not sit comfortably with our inner love vibration. To change things in this world for the better, then we have to get into action and the difference in our own world. We have to have courage and faith in ourselves and the Universe. Don't think for a minute that it's not important to stand up for yourself. It is really important, especially now. When you stand up, I stand up. We are Qne.

When you fall in-love with someone, it feels very powerful. This is because you are connecting with your inner love and it is being reflected back at you. Imagine what it feels like when we all love each other and we reflect that love back. 8 billion people unified. Just imagine how powerful that love is! This is what is coming. This is the great awakening. You can feel what's coming and so can I. You open your heart to love, I open my heart to love. You act on love, I act on love.

We are Qne.

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