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Richart the Aura Expert
Sep 01, 2022
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Do you realise that you spend your whole life searching for happiness?  Whether it's searching for a life-long companion or finding the right friends to vibe with or the perfect business partner, you are searching for happiness.  Happiness often seems too short. Happy moments scattered across a lifetime. Why can't happiness be a constant just like fear can or depression? Why is it that happiness seems so fleeting? It doesn't have to be this way. Happiness can be a constant, but then you have to change your attitude to life and trans-form your way of perceiving the world. You have to stop seeing yourself as a physical being and start being aware that you are a vibrational being. And as a vibrational being you can be influenced by other people, situations and circumstances or you can learn how to hold your vibration in a higher frequency so that you become the dominant force, shining bright, influencing everyone around you with your love, happiness and joy. But to do this you have to first to be aware that you have an Aura and then you have to know how to use it properly.   What is your Aura? Your Aura is an electromagnetic field of energy that is constantly emitting information about your vibrational state of being. It is sharing information about your state of mind, your health, your mood and your feelings. Your auric field surrounds your body with the main entry points coming out from your Crown on your head and from below your feet, as in the shape of an apple. Within your field of energy, there are 7 key energy points known as chakras that link your Auric field to your material body, so each chakra is connected to specific organs and specific emotions. The energy can move up and down your chakra system from the base of your spine to the crown on your head depending upon how you are feeling in the moment. In addition, you have 7 different auric layers, like a Russian Doll, that range from your dense material body to your highest frequency Ketheric Template. At the same time, science tells us that we are made of molecules which are made of atoms that make up the cells of our body. Einstein told us "Everything is energy, and that is all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. There can be no other way." So Einstein is telling us that we are energy. We are vibrational beings, so when you look in the mirror and see a physical person looking back at you, it is actually an energetic vibrational being you see. Have you ever had those funny experiences where you are thinking of someone and you keep on bumping into them by chance? Most people say "Oh it is a small world, isn't it?" The real truth is that it's a vibrational world and because you have strong emotions about each other, you are attracting that person's vibration into your reality. So if you want to achieve a certain outcome, for example, having more spiritually aligned friends or more business opportunities for your healing work, then you need to have resonate on the same vibe of the other, or even better, you heal your vibe and attract people into your reality who match your vibe. So if you want more love, then be more loving. If you want to earn more money, be more generous with your money and use it to improve your life. If you want more happiness in your life, find the joy in everything you do already. You are a vibrational being, so lead by example and trans-form your own Aura first. Aura Cleansing is the start and then we go deeper by healing Aura Trauma. This is how you attract more of what you want into your life by becoming what you want. Your Auric Field is also your Auric Shield! When you know your Aura is real, then you can trans-form your own vibe. With Aura Awareness you can start protecting yourself against negative vibrational people. Through positive thinking you can literary visualise your Aura in the moment and control how strong you want your Aura Shield to be. Have a go, play, have fun and see how people react to you! You can communicate the change in your vibration either through your words, your energy, your feelings or your actions. You don't have to be rude or aggressive, you just shine brighter! People around you will instantly pickup on your vibe and subconsciously know to keep away from you. Repairing Your Auric Field In the same way that your auric field can be a shield, it also needs repairing from time-to-time to make sure it doesn't have any holes or tears in it that are leaking out your good vibes, or allowing negative entities in to feed off your energy. Often when you feel drained being with negative people it's because there are holes in your Auric field and their negative entities have jumped ship to start feeding off you. So you have to be really careful and make sure you do regular Aura Cleansing work. When you do your Aura Cleansing work, you need to focus on repairing the damage to your Aura Shield and then you need to focus your energy work on cleansing the vibration of your Aura within your electromagnetic field. Trans-forming Your Perspective To Cleanse Your Vibe Living in the higher vibrations of love, peace and Oneness in a world full of lower vibrational energy (e.g. separateness, fear, anger, jealousy, shame and guilt) means that you have to play a different game if you want to succeed at being happy 99.9% of the time.  In this game you are aware that you have an Aura. Your Aura is a vibrational shield that protects you from negative energies and negative entities which want to feed off your Soul, your natural source of Divine Light and loving energy. In this Cosmic Game you are aware of how negative energy is constantly working to pull you out of your love bubble, so your most powerful line of defense is Aura Awareness and then it's laughter! Whenever something doesn't go according to your plan, or if you lose something, or someone is rude to you, or if something unexpectedly breaks down, your first reaction must always be to laugh! This is because you are aware of what is going on in the moment and because laughing keeps you in your higher vibe. When you can laugh at negative energy, instead of getting annoyed or angry, it shows to the Universe that you are mastering the game.  Matching the Frequency of the Reality You Want Going back to Einstein's quote: "Everything is energy, and that is all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. There can be no other way." Being aware of your Aura is the key. When you've worked on cleansing it and going deeper to heal your Aura Trauma then you'll naturally feel happy because you'll have less emotional pain from stress and anxiety in your physical body. When energy can flow properly in your Aura, so the Chi or Prana energy, the life-force energy flows around your body healing it.  Your Aura is also powerful because as an electromagnetic field, it can repel and attract any form of energy into your life!  Meditation & Contemplation Active your Aura Power Once you are aware of your Aura you have to learn how to activate its vibe and you do this by going inward either through (guided) meditation or contemplation combined with visualization, breathing, tapping and affirmation techniques.  This is where daily practice comes in, you need to be starting your day with a guided-meditation to charge up your Aura Love Bubble ready for the day ahead. And whenever you feel a pull on your energy, then take a few moments to do some short breathing exercises, tapping on your heart chakra and visualising your Aura Shield.  Once you've mastered your Aura, you'll be laughing your way through your whole day!  People will be inspired by the way you handle negative situations and will be attracted to your Shining energy. People will naturally want to get to know you and do business with you. Your Aura will light up a room, you'll be the dominant vibration, extinguishing any lower vibrational energy around you. You'll simply laugh at anyone who tries to steal your Light.  Being Aurasome  When you no longer think of your Aura as simply being different colours, but know it as energy, frequency and vibration, and you learn how to Master your energy, then you become Aurasome.  Being Aurasome is a daily practice. It is knowing how to play the Cosmic Game of Happiness and win. It is about seeing yourself differently and living in your Aura Love Bubble.   Your Aura Love Bubble protects, heals and empowers you to live a happier, healthier and wealthier life. Because everything is connected, when you do your Aura Cleansing, you not only unblock the energy in your auric field, but you also unblock the negative energy connected with it through the Divine Matrix. The most important thing is to stop thinking about your Aura as just being colours, because when your Auric Field is full of love, it is the key that unlocks everything. "If you want to find the secrets of the Universe, then think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration" as Nicola Tesla so wisely informed us. Bio RichArt the Aura Expert Healer, Mentor & Aura Painter since 2010. Author of 'Get Off Your Cross' & 'Love Being Naked' series available on Amazon. Founder of Aura Awareness academy.
Richart the Aura Expert
Aug 29, 2022
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Discover something amazing about your Aura today and understand what you've been missing out on! #aura #empowering #empowerment #vibration #secrets #manifestation #truth
Richart the Aura Expert
Aug 29, 2022
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#Wellness #healing #Aurasome #Auras #RichartAuraExpert #aurahealing
Aura Trauma healing content media
Richart the Aura Expert
Jul 17, 2022
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Aura Awareness education  content media
Richart the Aura Expert
Jul 06, 2022
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Aura Awareness  content media
Richart the Aura Expert
Jun 23, 2022
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Aura Awareness  content media
Richart the Aura Expert
Jun 23, 2022
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Aura Shining Ibiza @ Pikes Hotel  content media
Richart the Aura Expert
Jun 17, 2022
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Now available to purchase through my online shop. When you want to wear a jacket that protects your Aura and really makes you shine, then this is for you! The next level in Aura Awareness !
Aura Shining jackets  content media
Richart the Aura Expert
Jun 06, 2022
In General Discussion
Why is it that some people you meet are just shinning on a really great vibe most of the time? Very few things stress them out, what's there secret? It's because they are aware that they have a field of electromagnetic energy around them all the time, which can repel or attract whatever energy they like. So then they become super conscious of their thoughts, words and actions. You too can learn how to operate your auric field at it's optimum level so that it makes you shine all the time. You don't have to be living in the lower vibrations any more. It's just a choice, to act upon.
Aura Love Bubble ❤  content media
Richart the Aura Expert
Jun 04, 2022
In General Discussion
New for 2022! Aura Shining Garments for rock hard Rock Stars! One-of-a-kind hand painted Aura Shining Garments for beautiful rock hard Rock Stars! When you're in Ibiza, whether you are a Cosmic Super Star or a rock hard Rock Star, it's your time to Shine! Having your own Aura Shining garment is essential for all Super Stars! As well as looking fabulous, your garment is also activated to your Aura through a personalised guided-meditation you will receive when you purchase it, so you are fully tuned in and turned on to your greatest vibe! Online webstore: www.linktr.eeAuraAwareness
Aura Shining Garments for rock hard Rock Stars!
 content media
Richart the Aura Expert
May 30, 2022
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You can now purchase downloadable digital Desktop images and Wallpaper images for all your devices.  Just imagine how beautiful your day will be when you have this Aura Reflection image of your Soul Star shining at you on your device. It's energy will boost you with good vibes encouraging you to stay focused, empowered and productive whilst you work on creating your projects. Tuning into its powerful vibrant energy also assists with reminding you to shine your inner Light and stay positive when you face the challenges of your day! https://aura-shining-ibiza.creator-sp...
For people who love my Aura Art! content media
Richart the Aura Expert
May 29, 2022
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Thought for the Day content media
Richart the Aura Expert
May 28, 2022
In General Discussion
I am currently working on an online Aura Awareness Masterclass, where I am going to be teaching you how you can attract more financial abundance into your life by learning how to activate your own Aura through the hands-on Aura Shining technique I have been giving people for the last 12 years (since 20210). Because of my parent´s negative attitude towards art and creativity, unfortunately they installed a programme into my mind as a young boy that I couldn't make a living from my art. This meant that for years I struggled as an artist to make ends meet and had to take on lots of sideline jobs so I could survive and still do my Aura Painting. But then in 2020, I discovered that this was just a negative block programmed into my subconscious mind, and that I could remove it and reprogramme my mind to become wealthy and happy from being "RichArt the Aura Painter"! In fact, I was able to totally change my life about becoming rich and abundant from art, so much so, that I started to receive a constant daily stream of income from my Aura Painting work. Because of this transformation, I realised that there are so many people who aren't aware just how powerful your Aura is! Knowing what colour it is, is fun! But knowing how to transform your energy and rise into the higher vibes is empowering beyond your wildest dreams! So this is why I am teaching you the truth about your Aura, so you can shine as well! Through my connection with Source, I manifested this unique and original hands-on Aura activation technique that assists you with turning on your inner Light and Shining. When you are shining you can start to attract the financial abundance into your life that you truly desire because you know you are worthy and enough. This will be an online course which you can work through at your own pace from the comfort of your own home. The basic outline will be: - Key Areas of Aura Awareness - Assessing the Current Flow in your Aura - Sensing your Aura - Visualising your Aura - Readiness: How to Prepare for the coming Transform & get into Alignment More information, coming soon!
Coming Soon!  content media
Richart the Aura Expert
May 27, 2022
In General Discussion
In 2022, everything is evolving as we experience the Great Awakening. Even clothing is evolving, as I am now bringing out a new range of Aura Shining Garments which you can purchase through my online shop. Whatever you are lacking in your energy, whether it's confidence, peace of mind or passion, these garments enhance the energy in your Aura so you can shine! The garments use colour from different frequencies and vibrations to counter balance any negative energy in your Auric Field. This way, you can choose specific garments with specific colours to get your energy flowing with good vibes. Aura Shining garments are for Love Rebels, people who love to stand out from the crowd and Shine! Personalisation When you purchase this Aura Shining Garment, you will also receive a unique personalised guided-medition with your name and date of birth, so it can only be activated by you. Once activated, you become your Aura Shining Garment everytime you wear it. Each Garment is unique Aura Shining Garments are created to enhance any energy which is lacking or blocked in your Auric Field. It uses colours related to different frequencies and vibrations of your chakras and auric layers to counter balance any negative energies. When you wear an Aura Shining garment, your focus shifts from your physical self to the auric energy and vibration of the Garment, and so does everyone else's. It's pure magic. Then you become the auric vibration of your Garment and you start to attract to you, similar energy to what you are. Aura Shining Garments are designed to activate energy Light Codes in your Aura, so that the positive energy can flow back into your life. When this happens, you come into Alignment with what you wish to attract. This is why these garments are so unique, valuable, orginal and empowering for you. It's time to Shine! It's time to be a Love Rebel! #auraclothing #auras #aura #aurawellness #AuraShiningibiza
Aura Shining Garments  content media
Richart the Aura Expert
May 26, 2022
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Thought For the Day content media
Richart the Aura Expert
May 25, 2022
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After 12 years of being the only person on planet Earth to paint people's Auras onto T-shirts and raise their Aura vibe in the process, I've decided that in 2022, I am going to start teaching people all over the world how to paint there own Aura onto a T-shirt! These will be online Masterclass events, organised in collaboration with other High vibing creators to bring you an extra special online experience, so you discover how to raise your vibration, feel more than fine and shine! They will be fun, playful and creative experiences mixing music with art, to bring you some really Aurasome to tryout in the comfort of your own home. So stay tuned-in, keep on learning more about your Aura, give feedback and likes, more updates about these Aurasome online events, coming soon!! 💗🧡💛💚💙💜🤍
Big News!  content media
Richart the Aura Expert
May 23, 2022
In General Discussion
When you can see the bigger picture of who you are in the reflection art, then you will deeply and profoundly get to know your energetic Self. The part of you that we call your Aura. #auras #Aura #aurapainting
Thought of the Day content media
Richart the Aura Expert
May 23, 2022
In General Discussion
Once you start to see your Aura as something which is real and a fundamental part of your life, as it is your life force energy, then your whole perception of BEING Aurasome transforms. Just because your Aura is invisible doesn't mean that it does affect your life. Your Aura Field and your Aura Layers are the invisible roots of your life. They need to be cleansed on a weekly basis, and they need to be nurtured and loved. They need to receive the Light. Only then can your physical body grow into a healthy, happy and wealthy Aurasome being, only then can you receive the fruits! Everyday, look in the mirror and remember in essence you are Divine and you are here to Shine! So being able to visualise your Aura by having it painted and hanging on your wall, is a beautiful constant reminder of your invisible state of Being in a high vibrational state. When you shine you elevate your consciousness and align with your dreams and you attract them into your life. Aura Shining is a rare and magnificent experience for your Heart & Soul, and this year, more so than ever, you are being guided to rise in love or live in fear. And I trust that because you are here, you have chosen to start learning how to rise in love.
Your Aura is the Root of the Tree content media
Richart the Aura Expert
May 22, 2022
In General Discussion
It's so important to be more aware of your Aura and how it works. And it's important to break through the myths about your Aura and get to the truth. It's really important to understand that Aura Awareness has been infiltrated with lies and half truth to keep you in the darkness and disempowered. So I work hard to uncover the truth from the myths and shed light on Aura Awareness so you can learn how to heal, protect and empower yourself to live a healthier, happier and wealthier life. Watch this video uploaded today and feel free to write any comments on my YT channel, as I love to hear your feedback. 💗🧡💓💞💕💜🤍
Richart the Aura Expert
May 21, 2022
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Big thanks to followers of my Aura Shining energy work who keep coming up with these new High Vibrational words! Love it! AURAGANIC This relates to high vibrational Auraganic projects, initiatives and collaborations which are original and authentic. They naturally evolve and grow at there own pace into a high vibrational experience that make viewers or listeners feel uplifted and boosted with good energy and vibes. The viewer / listener discovers these "Auraganic" creations in Divine Time... resonating with them in the ideal moment so they have the biggest impact of their life. #aura #auraawareness
New High Vibrational words content media

Richart the Aura Expert

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